Bangalore: With the worst behind and signs of positive demand for outsourcing and offshoring from the U.S. and European markets, which account for about 80 percent of Indian software exports, the IT industry is gearing up for a gradual recovery in the new year. But Indian IT industry still continues to face the problem of attrition, especially when companies are now offering strong pay packages to make up for the lost ground. What really drives employees to jump jobs? Is it only due to bad bosses or there are other reasons involved as well?

India surveyed people from the IT industry to find out top 10 reasons why people quit their job in IT industry. While we were sure that organization and management play a crucial part in the decision, there were many other reasons as well which may have become more relevant in recent times. "While most people including the managers are of the opinion that majority of people leave because they are unhappy with their compensation, nothing could be farther from the truth. There has been enough research done globally and across industry segments to prove that unhappiness with compensation is only one of the many reasons that people think about quitting," said Puneet Jetli, Senior Vice President and Head - People Function, MindTree.

1. Mismatch between the promised job and the situation on hand

Employees are often promised certain things on what exactly the jobs consist of but after joining the company they find out a completely different picture. It becomes painfully clear to the new hire that the company played a bait-and-switch game and now they are trapped in doing something that they don't want to.

2. Limited opportunity for personal growth and skills

"Every ambitious person is looking to further their career in the shortest possible span of time. Hence despite being in a high growth sector if there isn't ample opportunity for reasonably quick vertical or lateral growth; then it is usually time to move on," says Pradeep Thomas Abraham, Managing Director of Paytronic Networks limited. The most successful employers find ways to help employees develop new skills and responsibilities in their current positions.

3. Boss too much to handle

Prashant Hannovar, Manager of Human Resource of NextBiT Computing has had a fair deal of experience in dealing with different kinds of candidates. He says, "Employee leaves the organization because of a manager's leadership style or bad management style. Employee leave because of managers who puts the blame on the other employee, making others a scape goat, a Micro manager-who is known for having no trust/confidence in self and on the team."

4. Lack of recognition of the good work being put-in

Individual accomplishments should be considered by the company and should be pointed out in praise that will help to further increase productivity, make the employee feel appreciated, and create an example for other employees to follow, knowing that they will be rewarded. "Many employees who have quit and answered the exit interviews have revealed on not getting recognized despite of hard work/good Performance," says Hannovar.

5. Management freezes raises and promotions

Money is not always a very important category for people to quit, but it definitely ranks high. Many employees quit the Organization as they get better compensation/salaries with the competitors. Also with the salaries, many of the Techies (engineers) today are offered Onsite opportunity too. This is the normal phenomena in the IT Industry which nothing much can be worked out.

6. Poor work culture/work ethic

Another important factor that results in undesired attrition is the bad work culture. Bad work culture constitutes unhealthy political work environment where you can find lot of rumors/grape wines, partiality, favoritism, lack of trust, lack of good HR best practices like restrictions imposed on the employees on clothing, leaves and many more.

7. Inability to maintain/achieve a healthy work-life balance

In the light of the recent trend of laying off huge number of employees, many employees (who are not fired) feel the heat of too much work. Sometimes they find themselves doing the work of more than two people which often result into work taken home and extended
office hours. Too much work often creates stress which can force the employee to quit.

8. Lack of Feedback Mechanisms

Lot of managers don't provide the proper feedback at regular intervals on the employee performance. Many employees look for feedback which helps them to grow in their career. Lack of feedback makes an employee or the team members frustrated, feel out of the team or lost, which leads to the rise in the attrition level in the organization.

9. Lack of decision-making power

A lot of managers simply do not know how to delegate effectively. This results in undue micro management by the immediate superior that shakes the faith and self confidence of the employee. A manager should empower employees and allow them the freedom to make suggestions and to take decisions.

10. No fun or enjoyment in job/ unchallenged

Two scenarios can fit into this. One is when employee becomes dull of the daily routine. Same job, with same skills and everything becomes dull, then it's time for employees to move on. The second scenario can be when employee don't feel challenged with the current job. Employees sometime need more responsibilities and work to challenge their skills or they leave in hunt of another job for fresh challenges.

There are many more reasons which may be valid from person to person but these are the top ten reasons which the IT industry must really look upon to improve on to reduce attrition. "The only way to work on retention is to pro-actively focus on establishing policies, practices, systems and culture that help reduce triggers on these counts," said Jetli.


System intrusion in 15 seconds, that’s right it can be done. If you possess certain security flaws your system can be broken into in less that 15 seconds.
To begin this context I’d like you to do the following. Connect to the Internet using your dial up account if you are on dial up. If you are on dedicated service like High Speed connections (ie, Cable and DSL) then just proceed with the steps below.
1. Click Start
2. Go to Run
3. Click Run (It’s a step by step manual) :-)
4. Type cmd
5. Hit the Enter Key
6. Then Type ipconfig /all

This should bring up a window that looks like the following

What you should see under IP address is a number that looks something like this. (The number will be different.)

Once you have the IP address write it down, then close that window by clicking (OK) and do the following.
1. Click Start
2. Go to Run (Click on Run)
3. Type command then Click OK
At this point you should see a screen that looks like this.

Type the following at the Dos Prompt
• Nbtstat –A IP address
For example: nbtstat –A
(Please note that you must type the A in capital letters.)

This will give you a read out that looks like this

NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table
Name Type Status
J-1 <00> UNIQUE Registered
WORK <00> GROUP Registered
J-1 <03> UNIQUE Registered
J-1 <20> UNIQUE Registered
WORK <1e> GROUP Registered
WORK <1d> UNIQUE Registered
__MSBROWSE__.<01>GROUP Registered

(Again info has been omitted due to privacy reasons)

The numbers in the <> are hex code values. What we are interested in is the “Hex Code” number of <20>. If you do not see a hex code of <20> in the list that’s a good thing. If you dohave a hex code <20> then you may have cause for concern. Now you’re probably confused about this so I’ll explain.

A hex code of <20> means you have file and printer sharing turned on. This is how a “hacker” would check to see if you have “file and printer sharing” turned on. If he/she becomes aware of the fact that you do have “file and printer sharing” turned on then they would proceed to attempt to gain access to your system.

(Note: To exit out of the DOS prompt Window, Type Exit and hit Enter)

I’ll show you now how that information can be used to gainaccess to your system. A potential hacker would do a scan on a range of IP address for systems with “File and Printer Sharing” turned on. Once they have encountered a system with sharing turned on the next step would be to find out what is being shared.
This is how:

Net view \\insert ip_address here

Our potential hacker would then get a response that looks something like this.
Shared resources at \\ip_address

Sharename Type Comment

The command was completed successfully.

This shows the hacker that his potential victim has their My Documents Folder shared and their Temp directory shared. For the hacker to then get access to those folders his next command will be.

Net use x: \\insert IP address here\temp

If all goes well for the hacker, he/she will then get a response of (The command was completed successfully.)

At this point the hacker now has access to the TEMP directory of his victim.

Not a lot of time to gain access to your machine is it? How many of you had “File and Printer Sharing” turned on?

Ladies and Gentlemen: This is called a Netbios attack. If you are running a home network then the chances are you have file and printer sharing turned on. This may not be the case for all of you but I’m sure there is quite a number of you who probably do. If you are sharing resources please password protect the directories.

Any shared directory you have on your system within your network will have a hand holding the folder. Which looks like this.

You can check to find which folders are shared through Windows Explorer.
• Click On Start
• Scroll Up to Programs

At this point you will see a listing of all the different programs on your system.

Find Windows Explorer and look for any folders that look like the above picture.

Once you have found those folders password protect them.

Netbios is one of the older forms of system attacks that occur. It is usually overlooked because most systems are protected against it. Recently there has been an increase of Netbios Attacks.

Further on in this content we shall cover some prevention methods. For now I wish only to show you the potential security flaws.

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